2020 Annual Meeting
Attend In-Person
Attend Virtually
In-Person Attendance
Due to new restrictions on gatherings, we have reached our occupancy capacity and you can no longer register to attend in person. You can, however, register to attend virtually. Please see below how to register.
If you are attending the Annual Meeting in person, you must announce your intention to the UECC office by November 20th as space may be limited. As of Oct. 23rd, only 50 people will be admitted per CDC and Commonwealth of PA guidelines. Occupancy is subject to change per these guidelines.
All attendees must wear a mask and adhere to social distancing.
All attendees will be asked to sign in and your temperature may be taken.
All attendees will be required to sign an attendance waiver and COVID Self-Declaration questionnaire.
How to Register for In-Person Attendance
If your intention is to attend the meeting in person, you must call the UECC office at 215-663-1166 to pre-register.
You will be asked to report the number of people that will be attending your party (ex. You plus spouse, you alone)
Once you arrive on the meeting day, you will register at the registration table and receive your ballot.
The meeting will be available to watch online, however, it will not be interactive. Therefore, if you wish to participate in the meeting AND vote, please reference the Absentee Ballot Request procedure.
A link to a request to watch the Annual Meeting virtually will be available on our website, social media channels, and will be shared out via email and newsletter. Fill out the request and will share with you the online address for the meeting.
There is no deadline for virtual attendance registration.
Virtual Attendance
If you do not plan to attend the meeting in person but wish to cast your vote, you can vote by absentee ballot. Simply follow these instructions:
Receive By Mail
Call the UECC office at 215-663-1166 to ask for your absentee ballot request letter. Deadline for handing the absentee ballot request by mail is Monday, November 9, 2020.
The UECC will send you both a letter and UECC Annual Meeting 2020 ballot. You will need to sign the letter and complete the ballot. Then, return both to the UECC by mailing them to 700 N. Cedar Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046. Or, you can drop off the ballot to the UECC office in person by calling in advance at 215-663-1166.
Receive In Person
If you wish to pick up and fill out your ballot in person, you can do so by Saturday, November 21, 2020. You should call the UECC office at 215-663-1166 to make arrangements to pick up the absentee request letter and ballot.
You must submit both a signed letter and completed ballot to the UECC office in order for your vote to be counted.